Planning a Homeschool Week in Just 15 Minutes

Hey there! I know what you might be thinking: But I don't homeschool. That's totally okay. From time to time I will be posting good things for my homeschooling readers, and those of you who aren't, feel free to delete and move along! Isn't it nice to have one less thing to read online anyway?

Back in the day (January, 1997, to be exact), I spent my Sunday evenings planning the upcoming week of curriculum and school goals. I hated it. I mean, seriously, who wants to spend their Sunday nights doing that?

But now it's 2017 and I've gotten much older and a tiny bit wiser. I've learned to:


Make a whole year's plan all at once over the course of a weekend in the summer. 


Adjust each week according to what needs adjusting.

Let's begin with that first one. The whole year? Really??? Yep. And I wrote about it at length on my homeschooling blog, so here's the beginning of the series: Planning a Whole Year of Homeschooling. You can do it! And come December, you'll be giving yourself a high five.

But what about making adjustments as things change during the year? Things do change, don't they? Kids get ahead, kids get behind, unexpected visitors hijack the school hours, etc. It's totally okay. What you take 15 minutes to plan at the beginning of each week (or on Fridays, as I do, for the next week) can be adjusted according to what the current, weekly needs have become.

You can use any planner that suits your fancy. I use this free, customizable printable from Crystal Paine:

I fill in the spots, he does the work, then he checks the boxes. Straightforward, uncluttered, done and done.

Get your copy of Crystal's 1-Week School Planner here.