Words of Hope When a Pandemic Hits

Because, you know, pandemics hit us so often and we all know exactly how to respond.

Wow. What is there left to say?

I was thinking today about how best to serve my readers this week and in the weeks ahead, and I realized that there are posts I’ve written in the past that could be a comfort to you right now, too. There are so many voices out there commenting on the COVID-19 crisis, and who needs yet another? I mean, really—what is there left to say?

But I don’t want to leave you without hope. There is always hope. Knowing that we have a savior who loves us so, here are some words of hope in times of crisis:

If I Did Not Have the Hope of Heaven, I Could Not Go On One More Day

I Know It’s Difficult to Swallow When Times Are Tough, But God is Always Good

When You Need to Be Reminded of the Gospel

Lost and Found Printable Graphics for You

Parents, Why is It So Difficult to Give Grace to Ourselves?

100 Scripture Verses to Memorize—An Essential List

The last article is one I wrote for Key Life this week, so I’ll point you to their website. It’s for those of you who find yourself suddenly homeschooling, and it offers hope for the struggles that go right alongside children being at home all day long.

Don't Want to Homeschool Your Kids? Here’s the Remedy

I’ll leave you with a few pictures from my phone that could spark a little joy today:

Cookie Dough Balls with healing properties (just kidding)

Cookie Dough Balls with healing properties (just kidding)

Spring Daffs, Columbia, CA

Spring Daffs, Columbia, CA

My grandbaby. I mean, c’mon.

My grandbaby. I mean, c’mon.