
Lost & Found Printable Graphics for You!

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It has been a year since Lost & Found: Losing Religion, Finding Grace hit bookstores. I am so grateful for the readers and the feedback. Seems I'm not the only one who got stuck in the mire of religious behavior.

My local friend Holly created a couple of lovely calligraphy quotes from the book that I want to share with you. Just right-click on the one you want and save it to your device. You can then use it as wallpaper, a screen saver, a placemat, scratch paper for your kiddos to paint. . .

I believe these words with my whole heart because they are simply the truth of the gospel: God hates evil, fights its effects on your behalf, and loves you relentlessly. He could have chosen an infinite number of ways to achieve that, but He chose one. My desire as I continue to write here (and a new book, too!) is that I get out of the way so you can see that one great hope — Jesus

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