
How to Write Your Own Story, Part 2 of 5

Hi again, writing friend. You have a story to tell, and that story is important. Remember that.

In part one of this series, I wrote about the fact that when we are given a story, we are then tasked to write for an audience of One. The One. If we think about that One audience as we sit down to type out the words, we can focus on what really matters. 


What God is laying on your heart is the most important thing to write.

What’s the ministry you have?

For me, the burning passion is to see other believers free from the bondage of religious behavior and hope shifting. It doesn't just permeate the narrow community in which we dwelled throughout the time period covered in Lost & Found; it's insidious, and exactly what the enemy likes to see us wrap ourselves all up in. Idolatry = bondage, and Jesus + nothing = freedom. See? I'm passionately mentioning my passion in a post about your passion!

I can talk about my passion anywhere. Is your passionate topic like that for you, too? If so, you've got to get that down on paper or onto your computer! The combination of God letting you know that He has something for you to write and the passion you have for that topic is an unbeatable brew of God's goodness. 

Other Posts in This Series:

Part One: You have one audience.

Begin to build your own Write Your Own Story notebook with free printables to help you as you get started.

How to Write Your Own Story, Part 1 of 5

Hey, writing friend, this series is for you. Even if you've never written anything for others to read, this is the series that I'm hoping will lend a little fuel to your fire, or give you some rudimentary tools for getting your story - your beautiful story - on paper. 


You have one audience.

While it's absolutely true that we bloggers and authors need to give our readers what they're looking for, if God has asked you to write something, then He is the only audience that matters. Write with Him in mind.

You have to believe, with all your heart, that the story God has written as your life and the actual writing down of that story is important just in the telling and the reading to and by the people God wants to hear it. Our stories are no less important if they encourage and disciple the one person or the million.

Answer the following questions as you sit down to begin writing your story:

  • What is it you have burning in your heart to share? What is the message you are passionate about?
  • Why does your story matter?
  • What did God teach you through your experiences?
  • Can you be content knowing that despite your best efforts to publish and promote, this book will be read by exactly who God wants to read it?

You have one audience for which to write the story He's already written on your heart.

Begin to build your own Write Your Own Story notebook with free printables to help you as you get started.