
March Journal for a Late Winter Day

Back in the early days of blogging, we writers just wrote to please our readers and our own hearts. There was limited ad revenue and we hadn't yet heard of SEO. And while there were powerhouse bloggers who saw the whole thing as a business opportunity from the beginning, many of us just wrote because we loved to write and give generously, and we valued the growing community of readers who commented on our posts, not on social media.

Those days are gone, for the most part, and there is much talk amongst my writing and blogging friends about the loss of those halcyon blogging days, when you could arrive at a blog post and not be assaulted by pop-up subscription boxes and ads in between every paragraph. 

In that lovely vein, today's post hearkens back to the old-school blogging style. A simple post about life, my people, and your input. Comment below, please! It means the world to every blogger still honing our craft in 2018.


We hatched butterflies last month. Letting them go was difficult for one kiddo in particular.

What I'm Reading:

Blessed Are the Misfits, Brant Hansen

The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco

The Grave's a Fine and Private Place, Alan Bradley

Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson - 3rd time reading this one aloud to kids. Oh, homeschooling!


What I'm Listening To

I'm a podcast junkie who listens attentively to the recommendations of others. Which podcasts are your favorites?

Building a Storybrand

Key Life

Steve Brown Etc.

Travel With Rick Steves

This Week I Learned


Duolingo Spanish

Redeemer Sermons

Reality Sermons

The Brant and Sherri Oddcast

The Tennis Podcast

Beyond the Baseline


What I'm Watching

Currently in season 3 of Grantchester. Oh, Sydney. (If you know, you know.)

Still chilly enough for a daytime fire here. Anyone know my mug reference?

Still chilly enough for a daytime fire here. Anyone know my mug reference?

What They're Reading

Husband Fletch: The Sacred Enneagram, Christopher L. Heuertz

16-year-old daughter: Cry, the Beloved Country, Alan Paton

14-year-old daughter: The Bible

11-year-old son: Jedi Academy: The Force Oversleeps, Jarrett J. Krosoczka, A Wrinkle in Time, Madeleine L'Engle

9-year-old son (1st grade reading level): The Peppa Pig Storybook Collection


What We're Eating

A Ketogenic diet. If this appeals to you, check out Fletch's posts on how all of his health "numbers" went from extremely unhealthy to normal range and better.

Also, this Easy Cheesecake from King Arthur Flour, which we served, sugar and all, for the 11-year-old's birthday last weekend.


What I'm Doing

Writing the new book! Slowly, but surely. I would be absolutely delighted to have your prayers over this project.


Where We're Going

Fellow tennis fanatics (all two of you), check this out! Tonight Fletch and I are going to see Fed play Jack Sock in the Match 4 Africa event. The rest of you, pay attention! Even if you think tennis is boring — oh, my heart — Roger Federer is considered to be the best athlete of all time. That's noteworthy trivia even if you're not a sports person. Knowledge is power! Also, he's known all around as a genuinely good guy. Also, he and his wife Mirka have two sets of twins. 

Our pomegranate tree has started to bud. We're pretty pleased about that! 

Our pomegranate tree has started to bud. We're pretty pleased about that! 

And that's it for this beautiful early spring day! Remember, I'd love to hear what you're reading, doing, thinking. Comment below like it's 2005.

All those books I mentioned? You can get them from Amazon, and yes, these are affiliate links: